Group Therapy

Introducing a new and totally revamped, Solutions Group. This group is a fully comprehensive approach to your concerns with weight, eating, body image and diets. It is a group that combines nutrition, mindfulness, energy and psychology into a 12-week program that will help you reach your self-led goals. The group consists of 12 weekly group meetings led by Lynn O'Hara. Most weight programs are missing the most important piece, the emotional aspect. Solutions will help you achieve your goals by working through any blocks you may encounter. We will help you change any negative habits into positive ones that reflect your goals and help you achieve them.

We will be admitting new members into the current group soon. Contact Lynn today! 

Most out of network insurance policies reimburse for group meetings. Payment options are available. Contact Lynn at 732 899-9312 for details or go to the Rates and Insurance page.

Group is currently being held virtually. Please call for more information.